Cannabigal gummies – 100 mg CBD/10 pcs.
The body’s endocannabinoid system is made up of numerous receptors located throughout the body. The main two types are CB1 and CB2. These receptors are the places.
Cannabigal gummies – 100 mg CBD/10 pcs. The body's endocannabinoid system is made up of numerous receptors located throughout the body. The main two types are CB1 and CB2. These receptors are the places for which the active substance (which is CBD-cannabidiol) is "captured". Cannabidiol (CBD), as well as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is the main chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol has no psychoactive properties. Research on the endocannabinoid system is relatively new, but it is very promising, as it proves that cannabinoids can be used to treat a number of diseases.
Cannabigal gummies – 100 mg CBD/10 pcs. Convenient to use.
They have a nice taste.
They relieve the symptoms of stress, anxiety, nervousness, depression.
They improve heart activity, have a cardio-protective effect, can help regulate increased levels of lipids and cholesterol in the blood.
They reduce the urge for nausea and vomiting.
They reduce muscle pain.
They do not contain sugar.