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SKU: Glucosamine 33 Category: Tag:

Glucosamine 60 caps 500 mg


- For stiffness and pain in the joints

- Prevents cartilage of the joints from degradation

- Reduces inflammatory changes in osteoarthritis

- Improves functional mobility of the joints

- Repairs elasticity of the spinal column

Glucosamine is aminosaccharide normally produced by the organism from glucose. It is a combination of glucose and the amino acid glutamine. The main role of glucosamine is to maintain joints and connective tissue healthy as well as to exercise in anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Big concentrations of glucosamine are found in healthy people tissues. The concentration of glucosamine decreases with the age. The minimized ability of the organism to synthesize glucosamine is one of the milestones in development of osteoarthritis, which is one of the most common degenerative joint diseases. The main problem in osteoarthritis is wearing out of the cartilage that covers the joint surfaces and it becomes striated, rough and thinner. At the same time with the wearing out of the cartilage, starts formation of spikes (bone spurs). Osteoarthritis usually affects knee and hip joints, spinal column, joints of the hands, feet, etc. Pressure from the exercises in sportsmen, obesity or trauma additionally increases the risk of arthritis and other joint diseases development. Inclusion of glucosamine reduces the possibility of arthritis and other joint diseases development. It is recommended that glucosamine be taken with food (sea food) and as food additive.

Use Directions:

The recommended dose is 1 capsule two times daily for a period of 3 months

Additional information

Weight 60 kg
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