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Rooibos Tea- box of 50 g / 20 filters


Rooibos Tea- box of 50 g / 20 filters

SKU: Rooibos Tea- box of 50 g / 20 filters 1144 Category:

Rooibos (Rooibos) is a unique plant that grows only in the beautiful area Kedarbarg near Cape Town, South Africa. Rooibos tea, which offers a "Healer" is guaranteed super quality (super quality) and is supplied by the largest producer of this product in the world - the company Rooibos Ltd of South Africa.
Rooibos is completely pure and natural, contains no additives, preservatives and colorings. It is an antioxidant and reduces the effects of free radicals, damaging and destroying the body's cells. Strengthens the immune system and slows the aging process.
Has antispasmodic properties and relieves stomach pain and even colic in babies.
Rooibos contains no caffeine and the eu extremely low in tannins.
Rooibos skin tone, relieves irritation in eczema, rashes, acne, superficial injuries and sunburn. Rooibos is a refreshing drink suitable for people on diets, since no added calories.
Rooibos not only increases adoption of iron from the body, but the very tea contains iron, potassium and copper - minerals that are crucial for good metabolism.
Rooibos is rich in calcium, manganese and fluoride needed for teeth and bones. Contains zinc and alpha hydroxy acids, which contribute to the good condition of the skin, and magnesium, necessary for the nervous system.
Rooibos contains no oxalic acid and can be drunk freely by people suffering from kidney stones.
Rooibos has a beneficial effect on the regulation of the activities of the central nervous system. It has a calming effect, but at the same time provides energy and energizes the body. Particularly suitable for people suffering from increased irritability and sensitivity, nervous overexertion, stress, sleep disorders, insomnia, high blood nalyaganese

Rooibos can be drunk both hot and cold - it is great for a refreshing drink all day. He may add milk, sugar, honey and lemon to your liking. Chilled, served with ice and lemon. Mix it with fruit juice or nectar and get great cocktails. Used in confectionery - gives great color and flavor. Rooibos is a perfect base for sauces, soups and stewed dishes, making them more exotic and healthier.
Rooibos is a wonderful gift for everyone. The tea is decaffeinated, with very small amounts of tannin and can be eaten in unlimited quantities, including pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.
Rooibos tea is the businessmen. People with a busy program appreciate the refreshing impact and include it in your daily life as intensive refreshing and thirst quenching beverage.
Rooibos is particularly suitable for athletes. The rich mineral content of the tea helps to strengthen the body to its active recovery after strenuous exercise. Rooibos is the best solution for those who want to lose weight by providing the necessary daily amounts of liquid without adding calories. Inclusion in dietary ensure secure mineral balance and good tone.


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