field horsetail – STRENGTHENS BONES AND JOINTS 100 ml.
field horsetail – STRENGTHENS BONES AND JOINTS The useful properties of the Polish fruit have been known for a long time. The silicon contained in it helps to strengthen the venous wall and normalize the metabolic processes in the connective tissue.The useful properties of the Polish fruit have been known for a long time. The herb is rich in many useful elements. Contains aconite, oxalic, silicon and malic acids, flavonoids, resins, currants, tannins, caption, nicotinic acid, saponins, saponins, saponins. In addition, the fruit contains a lot of manganese, sodium nitrogen. Based on the interpretation of the rich composition of substances, the Polish fruit has many healing properties. In phytotherapy, the Polish herb is used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, an antihypertensive, antimicrobial and diuretic agent.
field horsetail - STRENGTHENS BONES AND JOINTS The useful properties of the Polish fruit have been known for a long time. The silicon contained in it helps to strengthen the venous wall and normalize the metabolic processes in the connective tissue.The useful properties of the Polish fruit have been known for a long time. The herb is rich in many useful elements. Contains aconite, oxalic, silicon and malic acids, flavonoids, resins, currants, tannins, caption, nicotinic acid, saponins, saponins, saponins. In addition, the fruit contains a lot of manganese, sodium nitrogen. Based on the interpretation of the rich composition of substances, the Polish fruit has many healing properties. In phytotherapy, the Polish herb is used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, an antihypertensive, antimicrobial and diuretic agent.
field horsetail EXTRACT
ETHANOL 62-68% by volume
field horsetail - STRENGTHENS BONES AND JOINTS Dosage:
40 drops, dissolved in 50 ml of mineral water or coca, 2 times a day;
Preferred dose of the product for daily intake: 80 drops - source of 540 mg of half a cup;
It does not replace balanced and distinct
To stay in a cool and cool place, inaccessible for small children;
It is not recommended for persons under 18 years of age;
Compatible with drug therapy, with the exception of the cases described in the package leaflet of the drug received;
For maximum results, the specialists recommend a minimum intake of 3 months. You may feel some of the advantages and benefits of the panel;
In order for full development to take place, metabolism plays a unique role. This is the reason why, in some cases, the effect is observed even after the second week of the reception, and for others in the memory of the three-month meeting.